Saturday, May 25, 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
गुरू हम आ गए, अब शुरू हो जाएं...
जब तुम घर से निकलोगे, इस्तरी की हुई कमीज पहने, झोले में अचार, आलू और पूड़ी रखे. सबसे ऊपर कुछ नोट्स और कटिंग रखे. तो माई चलते वक्त गीली आंखों और कुछ कांपते हाथों से माथे पर रोली लगाएगी. साथ में चावल के कुछ दाने होंगे, जो कुछ ही देर में गिर पड़ेंगे. बीज का काम है गिरना, मगर पनपने के लिए सही, जमीन जरूरी है. तुम एक बीज हो, अपार संभवानाओं से भरे, तुम्हें जो जमीन चाहिए, उसे यकीन कहते हैं. क्या कहा, कैसा दिखता है ये, ठीक सामने ही तो खड़ा है संजीदगी का लिहाफ ओढ़े. जब घर से निकलो, तो कनखियों से पिता जी के चेहरे की तरफ देख लेना. यकीन दिख जाएगा. इस यकीन को अपनी जींस की पॉकेट के ऊपर बनी छोटी पॉकेट में सहेजकर रख लेना. इतना सहेज कर कि पैंट फटकारा जाए, खूंटी से गिर पड़े या धुलकर भी आ जाए, तो भी ये वहीं अड़ा खड़ा बैठा रहे.
आईआईएमसी और उसके बाद जिस जंगल में तुम्हारा बसेरा होगा, वहां ये यकीन के बीज बहुत काम आएंगे. पहला यकीन, जो बलबन के वक्त की याद दिलाते लाल पत्थरों वाली दिल्ली से प्रेरित आईआईएमसी की इमारत को देखकर आता है. वह है कि आओ और इन पत्थरों के ओसारे के भीतर कुछ जिज्ञासाएं, कुछ खिलखिलाहटें, तेज बहसें, यारबाजी और उन सबसे बढ़कर गर्म लहू में पकते ख्याल बिखेर दो.
मगर यकीन तो मिड्ल क्लास की बचत की तरह ही बचा है. कहां कितना खर्च करें. नई टीशर्ट, जूते, फोन या फिर किताबें... सब की सब तो अपने हिस्से का इन्स्टॉलमेंट मांगने में लगी रहती हैं. अकादमिक दुनिया की बात करें, तो यहां भी मंगतों की कमी नहीं. पहला यकीन खुद पर करो. अपने होने पर. अपने परिवेश पर. अपनी समझ पर. और इसको बयां करने वाली अपनी जबान पर तो सबसे ज्यादा. मैंने पहले भी कई बार दोहराया है. फिर से वही मंतर पढ़ रहा हूं. जब तुम दिल्ली आते हो, तो तुम्हारे साथ सिर्फ तुम नहीं, एक जमीन का टुकड़ा, एक मोहल्ला, एक कस्बा आता है. इसमें पप्पू गुड़िया वाले की गली आती है, जहां कंधे से कंधे टकराता है और चूड़ियों, झिलमिल झालर और बिंदी, पाउडर की खरीद चल रही है. कुछ गीला सा बजरिया आता है, कहीं बिरयानी, तो कहीं टेलर गली के साथ. घंटाघर आता है, शहर के तमाम छुटभैयों और पान की बड़ी दुकानों को समेटे. एक राजनैतिक और सामाजिक समझ आती है. एक जबान आती है. उसे वहीं प्लेटफॉर्म पर समोसे के दोने में छोड़ मत आना. साथ लाना और सहेजना. क्योंकि तुम जहां रहते हो, वही तो देस है. तुम्हारा देस. और ये सब पत्थरदिल दिल्ली में कवायदें चलती हैं न. ये बिल, वो बिल, फलाने राजनियक की यात्रा, ढिकाना घोटाला, रैली, स्कीम और ऐसा ही तमाम रायता. ये उसी देस के नाम पर बघराया जाता है.
तो जब तुम ढाई घंटे के दरमयान अपना तिलिस्म रचो, अपने जवाब गढ़ो, तो इस देस और उसके मुहावरों और उसकी चिंताओं को मत भूलना. जीआईसी के मैदान में किरकिट के दौरान हुई बहस, गुप्ता चाट भंडार में पानी के बताशे खाते वक्त हाथ लगे लिफाफे पर लिखी खबर और डिग्री कॉलेज के सामने टंगी अंगरेजी सिखाने और विदेश भेजने का गुलमोहरी ख्बाव दिखाने वाली होर्डिंग, ये सब एक चाभी ही तो हैं, तुम्हारे वक्त की महीन दुनिया वाली पेटी को खोलने के लिए.
यकीन रखो, अपनी जबान, समझ और भाषा पर और फिर उस पर मुलम्मा चढ़ाओ, उन तमाम रेडियो बुलेटिन, न्यूज चैनल की बहसों, पत्रिकाओं, अखबारों के कमोबेश आयातित से ख्यालों का, प्रतियोगियता दर्पण नुमा मैगजीनों का, जिनसे तुमने तथ्य और कुछ तर्क भी जुटाए हैं. तब जो जवाब तैयार होगा, वो अभिजन भी होगा और भीतर भदेसपन लिए भी.
मेरी चिंता ये नहीं है कि दाखिला होगा या नहीं. यहां नहीं होगा, तो कहीं और होगा, बशर्ते यकीन के बीज बचाकर रखे गए हों. चिंता उसके बाद की है. जब एक लाठी, एक पोटरी और एक पेप्सी के उखड़ चुके स्टिकर वाली बोतल, जिसमें पानी भरते ही रहना है, लिए तुम सफर पर निकलोगे.
मिट्टी कभी इतनी पथरीली होगी, कि लगेगा, कहां इतने घाम पर पैर जलाए फिर रहे हो. कभी इतनी पोली, कि लगेगा मेरे गुलाबी आभा वाले पैर के नाखूनों को ये कैसा नजर का टीका लग गया कीचड़ का, कभी इतनी सुंदर कि लगेगा, बस अब यहीं टिककर सुस्ता लिया जाए. मगर ये जंगल रुकने नहीं देता. रफ्तार जिंदगी को जिलाए रखेगी और रुके तो खरपतवार बन जाओगे हमेशा के लिए.
तो बड़ी तैयारी पत्रकारिता के इस अरण्य में घुसने से पहले जरूरी है. कई बार लगेगा कि गुम गए. अंधेरा अपने साथ आवाजें लेकर आएगा. हवा हिलेगी, तो लगेगा कि चौंपियारी बखरी वाला भूत आखिर सामने ही आ गया. खुद अपनी सांस पराई लगेगी. ऐसे में फिर यकीन का मंतर पढ़ना है.
ये जो देस है, इस जंगल के परे एक नए सिरे से तुम्हारे इंतजार में है. कि वो लाठी हवा में घुमाता, बेपरवाह सा दिखने वाला, मगर बेहद संजीदा आएगा और जब जंगल की कहानियां सुनाएगा, तो उसमें हम होंगे.
असल में सारी लड़ाई तो यहीं आकर ठहर सी जाती है न. हमें अब न फूला रानी चाहिए, न मयूरध्वज जैसे राजकुमार. हमें तो बूंचा कुत्ता, चंदनपुर गांव, रामदेई जिजी, सोबरन कक्का और उनके सामने बदलते खेतों की सीरत की कहानी चाहिए. हमें तो बजरिया, तालाब और स्टेशन रोड के तपते किस्से चाहिए. और इन किस्सों को तुम ही तो सुनाओगे, जो उन सड़कों पर जून की सख्त आवारा दोपहरों में भटके हो. तो मसला सारा ये है कि देस की बात करने के लिए तुम तमाम औजारौं की पहचान रखते हो या नहीं. पहचान क्योंकि ये हैं तुम्हारे पास. उस चमत्कारी शमशीर की तरह, जो खुद तुम्हें भी नहीं पता कि तुम्हारी पीठ पर खुंसी है और पीछे से कमीज के भीतर हाथ डालते ही, यकीन के साथ, बाहर निकल आएगी.
आओ कि इस जंगल में टंगे कुछ पिशाच, ब्रह्मराक्षस, भूखे जानवर, यूं ही फिरते बनरोज तुम्हारा इंतजार कर रहे हैं. आओ कि कुछ तुम्हारे जैसे ही प्यास से ताकत पाते यात्री यहां भटक रहे हैं, पड़ाव कर रहे हैं. आओ कि जंगल के उस पार बैठे कुछ बूढ़े तुम्हें अपना झोला देकर मुक्त होने की कगार पर हैं. इनकी आंखों में देखना, तुम्हें वही बाप वाली आस दिखेगी.
...आओ क्योंकि नहीं आए, तो तमाम जिंदगी सालती रहेगी ये फांस, कि हम आवाज होते हुए भी फुसफुसाते ही रह गए...
तुम्हारी आवाज की शुरुआती तराश के लिए कुछ लोग अपने तानपुरे के तार कसते, लकड़ी के हथौड़ों की पॉलिश निहारते बैठे हैं. आओ और उनसे कहो, गुरू हम आ गए, अब शुरू हो जाएं...
To Ace the IIMC RTV Entrance Exam
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Krittika De graduated with English Honors from Loreto College in 2012. She is 3rd topper of Radio & Television Department, 2012-2013 batch. Krittika is working with Asian News International (ANI). |
Only 4 days left before the D day and too much of advice and counseling before one of the most important days in your life will not do much good. Or so I believe. Increasing of heartbeat, nervous tantrums and bouts of frustration are some of the common symptoms that you all must be going through. But the mantra is “DO NOT PANIC”. Cracking IIMCEE is not a Herculean task and people who crack it are not super humans. Focus, dedication and love for news are sure to get you the ticket to this premier Institute.
By now, all of you must have brushed up your current affairs, about the different happenings around you. Yes, I feel a little sorry for you as a lot did happen this year, which might make an appearance in this years’ entrance, so make sure you don’t miss out on anything. While answering the broad questions, you need to be crisp, to the point and clear; beating about the bush never helps!! They generally ask you for your opinion, and if you are confused, your answer will obviously reflect the same. So for all the current happenings, make sure you can take your own stand.
Reading of newspapers is a must, preferably more than one and this is one thing that will never change, even after you get a job. But that doesn’t mean, you’ll mug up the news and vomit them on your answer scripts. Nah.…Journalism does not work that way! Try to compare and analyze the angles taken by the different newspapers and their editorials, and write your own article with your viewpoints. Will give you practice as well as improve your writing skills.
After the long questions, there will be a segment that will require you to write short notes on personalities, stating as to why they have currently been in news. Let me tell you, this is the most scoring part; because if you know your current affairs and GK correctly, you might as well score full marks here. And for RTV aspirants, it’s important that you track news bulletins to stay abreast of news and issues. Watch a little bit of “The Devil’s Advocate”, a little of “The News Hour”, and some of “We the People”; will give you an idea about different political parties, HR groups and civil society’s take on a particular issue and help to broaden your perspective.
Lastly, and most importantly, BE CONFIDENT. Have faith in yourself and your skills. Because as Bill Cosby very rightly said,
“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.”
So, do away with all those fear and anxiety bugs, relax and rip the entrance, because trust me every bit of your effort will be totally worth it. IIMC is beautiful and you’ll love it here!!
Best of luck, mates! Hope to see you guys soon in the industry. Cheers J
Ad-PR Entrance: Keep Your Eyes & Ears Open
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Abhishek Malhotra is topper of Ad-PR, 2012-13 Batch & got placed with HCL Technologies. |
Content is king.
There is no “basically”.
Gadhe ho aap (sic).
These are a few in a long list of quotes that will be repeated in IIMC as a new academic session commences. With “Advertising and Public Relations” falling under the realm of integrated marketing communication, a plethora of subjects and learning is on offer for the 70 odd students who clear its written test, the group discussion and the personal interview.
If you have done any of the following over the past few months, there is no reason for you to worry.
A. Have you been watching television?
If you have attended the call for the “nation’s need to know”, seen Jaggu dada’s late night sermons for a vitality herb, heard tag lines as you switch been channels, viewed a couple of advertisements or observed that tony stark’s drive is an Audi R8, you will know enough about questions that require you to critique on media.
B. Are You TwitFace?
If you have been YouTube-ing, Tweet-ing, Facebook-ing, you would be aware of what’s happening in the online space and what people are talking/laughing/commenting/sharing/abusing about. Just follow Facebook pages like afaqs, Mad over Marketing, Ogilvy, social@ogilvy among others to know what advertisers and marketers are up to. If you can, then search for some episodes of “Brand Equity” on YouTube.
C. Have you read_________?
If you have been reading books or magazines or newspapers or articles on the internet or tried to read the newspaper on which hawkers keep pakodas, you would be able to sit through the length of the written test and apply yourself well. This would also help in the group discussion.
You don’t have to be a voracious reader to be aware of what’s happening around you.
I’m not sure if this has been of much help but keeping your eyes and ears open to all forms of communication and messaging around you will help you sail through the entrance examination.
All the best and look forward to the 9 month long party.
Your Best Help is 'YOU'
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Anwesha Ambaly is 6th topper of English Journalism, 2012-2013. Love Social Work and Anchoring. Currently, working with OTV, leading 24 X 7 news channel of Odisha, as a Reporter. |
Well, the question of ‘How to Start’ will always irk you. Since, you are setting out for a great mission that is equally competitive and challenging, you need to plan and then prepare, or else despite knowing to swim you will end up drowning in the ocean of news and information.
On the first thought of appearing for IIMC written examination, the first issue is keeping track of all the latest happenings around you in the past one year simultaneously decide on the significance of the news so that you gather as much as information as possible of the important happenings.
There is no substitute to reading. Go through as many as opinion-based magazines and editorials of various newspapers, this will immensely help you form your personal opinion and analyse issues on a wider frame.
Maintain a diary of events where you can jot down information on various issues and topics collected from various mediums. This will be extremely helpful two-three days before the examination; it will help you in quick revisioning and thereby save time before the exam.
While writing, your answers need not be ornamental or floral, stick to to-the-point theory providing as much as facts and fundamentals as possible.
Before concluding, seeking help and suggestions is fine but remember, at the end your best help is YOU. If you are confident and if you are focused on your goal, you will crack it easily. Opinions vary; many people will give many ideas but you have to settle on your comfort zone and prepare accordingly, just be sure of what you are doing keeping in background the thought, ‘There is no shortcut to success’.
Best of luck!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
How to Make a Difference
I would share three simple mantras which would help you to score well.
Critique every latest ad which are in air for past 1-2 month. Write what you liked in it and what not. Suggest some alternative taglines to the ads shown. Involve your friends and family member in this activity and share your ideas with them. Enjoy the fun of being an AD Critic.
Be faster than any XYZ newspaper or news channel. Try to be abreast with the happenings around and be updated with recent laws and sections. And take proud in updating all current news in FB first. ;)
In entrance test, try to connect each and every answer with the latest happenings.
Listen to your favorite songs and watch all-time favorite movies. Let your imaginations take new shapes. And most importantly carry your personal charisma, wittiness and intelligence into the entrance hall. This is what makes your answer different from rest of the crowd.
With these three mantras, I am sure you will come off with flying colors!!!
Wish you luck. J
रॉकेट साइंस का इम्तिहान नहीं, बस आत्मविश्वास और मौलिकता ज़रूरी
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सुमित सुन्द्रियाल हिंदी पत्रकारिता विभाग के 2012-13 बैच के टॉपर और इस बैच में सभी विभागों के सम्मिलित दूसरे टॉपर हैं. कैंपस प्लेसमेंट से आईबीएन7 पहुंच रहे हैं. |
साथियों! आप लोगों की प्रवेश परीक्षा की तैयारियां ज़ोरों पर होंगी. अब तो परीक्षा के लिए समय भी काफ़ी कम रह गया है. ऐसे में आपको क्या करना चाहिए, क्या नहीं, इसका पता चल गया होगा. अगर इस ब्लॉग को आप सब नियमित रूप से पढ़ रहे हैं फिर तो ये अच्छे से समझ ही गये होंगे.
अगर आपने पत्रकारिता को अपने कार्यक्षेत्र के बतौर पूरे मन से चुना है तो मेरी नज़र में आईआईएमसी से बेहतर विकल्प कोई नहीं है क्योंकि यहां सीखने और सिखाने वालों के बीच सर्वश्रेष्ठ माहौल व तालमेल उपलब्ध होता है. इसका अनुभव संस्थान में पहले दिन से लेकर आखिरी दिन तक होता है. तमाम मुद्दों पर अलग-अलग विचारों को कक्षा में एक साथ टकराते देखना और कक्षा से बाहर उन्हीं का आपस में बेहतरीन मेल-जोल इसी संस्थान में दिख सकता है.
बहरहाल, मुख्य विषय पर लौटना ज़रूरी है. अगर आपको वास्तव में पत्रकारिता करनी है और इसके लिए आप तत्पर हैं तो अख़बार, समाचार चैनल, पत्रिकाओं, न्यूज़ वेबसाइट्स- सोशल साइट्स से आप नियमित रूप से जुड़े होंगे. और अगर किसी ने बिना इन सबकी परवाह किए ही आईआईएमसी में आने की उम्मीद पाली हुई है तो वह खुद को ही अंधेरे में रखे हुए है. यह निहायत ज़रूरी है कि आप कम से कम पांच-छह महीनों से समाचार-सूचनाओं के इन सभी स्रोतों के संपर्क में रहे हों क्योंकि इससे आपके लिए राह कुछ हद तक आसान है.
लेकिन जो अभी तक भी पूरी तैयारी से दूर रहे हैं उन्हें भी ज़्यादा घबराने या निराश होने की ज़रूरत नहीं है. आईआईएमसी की प्रवेश परीक्षा कोई रॉकेट साइंस का इम्तिहान नहीं है. अगर कम से कम पिछले दो महीनों की कोई भी करेंट अफ़ेयर्स की पत्रिका पर आप अभी भी निगाहें डाल देते हैं तो कुछ ताज़ातरीन मुद्दों की सामान्य जानकारी आपको मिल जाएगी. यह इस लिहाज़ से मददगार होगी कि आप उनसे जुड़े सवालों का सामना करने की स्थिति में होंगे और फिर उस पर अपने विचार भी आप अच्छे से दे सकते हैं.
मसलन कर्नाटक विधानसभा चुनाव के नतीजों पर विश्लेषण या फिर कोयला ब्लॉक आवंटन घोटाला और उसकी सीबीआई जांच को लेकर चल रहे विवाद पर जानकारी किसी भी समाचार पत्रिका में मिल जाएगी, इंटरनेट पर सर्च करेंगे तो ख़बरों में दिख जाएगी. लेकिन इस बात का भी ख़ास तौर पर ध्यान रखें कि सिर्फ़ राजनीतिक ख़बरें ही पत्रकारिता नहीं हैं बल्कि आपको अर्थ जगत की ख़बरों पर भी ध्यान देना होगा. इनमें सबसे अहम है इस साल पेश हुआ आम बजट. 15वीं लोकसभा का यह आखिरी पूर्ण बजट था. इसलिए आपके लिए ज़रूरी है कि इस पर आर्थिक विश्लेषकों के विचार जरूर पढ़ें. साथ ही बजट की कुछ महत्वपूर्ण घोषणाओं की भी सामान्य जानकारी ज़रूर रखें. सरकार की महत्वाकांक्षी परियोजनाओं और उनके बारे में लोगों की राय की समझ रखना भी आवश्यक है.
भारतीय सिनेमा के सौ साल पूरे हुए हैं. इसलिए इससे जुड़े कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बिंदुओं पर अपनी सूचनाओं और विचारों को और दुरुस्त करें। वर्तमान समय में भारतीय फ़िल्मों की स्थिति, उनमें गंभीर सामाजिक मुद्दों की उपस्थिति और महिलाओं के चित्रण से जुड़े प्रश्न हो सकते हैं. ऐसे सवालों का मकसद आपकी समझदारी को परखना होगा. इसके अलावा ऑस्कर को लेकर भारतीय फ़िल्मकारों के मोह से जुड़े सवाल पर भी ज़रूर ध्यान दें. प्राण साहब को हाल ही में दादा साहेब फ़ाल्के पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया है. इसे भी ज़रूर याद रखें. इस साल की चर्चित फ़िल्मों और पुरस्कारों को भी जान लें. अलग-अलग क्षेत्र की चर्चित हस्तियों के बारे में मोटा-मोटी जानकारी रखना तो बहुत ही जरूरी हैं.
इनके अलावा कुछ प्रमुख राष्ट्रीय-अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मुद्दों में पाकिस्तान चुनाव के नतीजे, चीन में नेतृत्व परिवर्तन, पाकिस्तान और चीन के साथ हालिया सीमा विवाद, सरबजीत की मौत, आम चुनाव के समय पूर्व होने की संभावना, दिल्ली गैंगरेप– आंदोलन और मीडिया के प्रभाव को भी समझ लें. इनके अलावा एक बड़ा मुद्दा रहा है- अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता और राजद्रोह का कानून. पिछले साल सबसे ज़्यादा चर्चित रहा ये मुद्दा. सबने ही अपनी राय इस पर खपाई थी. तो उम्मीद है कि आप सबकी भी इस पर अब तक कुछ बुनियादी समझ बन गई होगी. बाकी खेल और मनोरंजन से जुड़ी बड़ी ख़बरों और विवादों पर भी ज़रूरी तौर पर नज़र डाल लें.
अब प्रवेश परीक्षा के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण पहलू पर ध्यान दें. यह है आपकी लेखन क्षमता. जितना ज़रूरी मुद्दों की समझ है, उतना ही ज़रूरी उनको सही से पेश करने की कला भी है. मेरा ये मतलब नहीं कि आप अपने जवाब में बेहद कलात्मक या रचनात्मक हो जाएं. इसकी कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है. जितने साधारण और स्पष्ट रूप से आप अपने विचारों को रखेंगे उतनी ज़्यादा संभावनाएं बनेंगी.
यह भी ज़रूरी नहीं कि आप ज्ञान के महासागर हों. अगर आप हैं भी तो आपके लिए बेहतर है. वैसे भी इसके लिए आपको कक्षा में भरपूर समय मिलेगा. लेकिन अगर आप ये सोच रहे हैं कि आप बहुत कम जानते हैं तो यह ज़रूर याद रखें कि आपको जितना भी आता है, उसमें गलती न हो. मतलब सीधी सी बात है- आप तथ्यों को सही रखें, चाहे जितना भी जानते हों. इसी को ध्यान में रखते हुए जवाब लिखें. तथ्यों की ग़लत जानकारी सारी मेहनत पर मिट्टी-पानी फेर सकती है. जवाब के लिए शब्द सीमा तय रहती है इसलिए इसका सबसे ज़्यादा ध्यान रखें. अपने जवाब को इतना भी विस्तार न दें कि शब्द सीमा के साथ ही समय सीमा भी हाथ से निकल जाए. इसलिए ‘सब्जेक्टिव’ सवालों के जवाब में भी ‘ऑब्जेक्टिविटी’ रखें. विचारपरक सवालों पर इमोशन न हो जाएं, रैशनल रहें. पक्ष-विपक्ष सबकी बात बताएं और आप किस पक्ष के साथ हैं, इस पर स्पष्ट तर्क दें.
लिखते समय भाषा पर भी ध्यान दें. बिल्कुल शुद्ध-साहित्यिक भाषा का प्रयोग ज़रूरी नहीं है. अगर आप लिख सकते हैं तो अच्छा है और नहीं लिख सकते तो भी समस्या नहीं है. बस ज़रूरी है वाक्यों की सही बनावट और वर्तनी की शुद्धता. ये सबसे ख़ास भूमिका निभाती हैं. अगर आपको कुछ खास शब्दों से ज़्यादा प्यार है तो ध्यान रखें उसका ज्यादा इस्तेमाल नुकसान भी पहुंचा सकता है. जवाब को पैराग्राफ़ बनाकर लिखें. मसलन, अगर दो सौ शब्दों में उत्तर लिखना है तो तीन या चार पैराग्राफ़ ज़रूर बनाएं.
अंत में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात. आईआईएमसी में प्रवेश पाने के लिए सबसे ज़्यादा ज़रूरी है आत्मविश्वास और सीखने की चाहत. इसका पता प्रवेश परीक्षा में आपके जवाबों से लेकर इंटरव्यू में आपकी प्रस्तुति से चल जाता है. ये ज़रूरी नहीं है कि आपमें असाधारण प्रतिभा हो तभी आप आईआईएमसी में आ सकेंगे. साधारण प्रतिभा के दम पर भी आप यहां प्रवेश पा सकते हैं क्योंकि प्रतिभाओं को असाधारण बनाने का काम यहां होता है. इसलिए ज़रूरी है कि अपनी मौलिकता को ही आप पेश कीजिए. किसी विशेषज्ञ की राय या विश्लेषण को ज़रूर पढ़िए पर उसे अंतिम सत्य मानकर अपना मत लीजिएगा. उस पर विपरीत पक्ष को भी पढ़िए. इससे आपमें मौलिक विचारों का विकास होगा.
हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं.
How To Crack IIMC’s Entrance Test
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Nikita Arora of RTV, 2012-13 batch is working with Headlines Today. She was President of the Organising Committee of IIMC Media Fest, VOX POP 2013. |
It’s almost crazy to find aspirants desperately seeking an answer to these million dollar questions ‘How do I crack IIMC’s entrance test?’ and ‘How do I prepare for it?’ Although I hoped the previous blogs would have helped and satisfied you by now, here you are reading my piece. And I know exactly why…
Anxiety- This is what is making you do so. Do away with it asap. Remember, anxiety could either make or break you. It is JUST another entrance exam. Trust me. IT IS NOT REALLY THAT A BIG DEAL* (*- terms and conditions’ )
Q & A is the soul of this profession so I’ve compiled some FAQs for you:
1) How did you prepare for RTV’s exam?
Last year, I had applied only for RTV and had no clue whatsoever of how the question paper was going to look like. All I knew was that I’d been following news and that kept me hopeful and confident. So yeah, if you’ve followed news on a regular basis, nothing like it! You’ll have fun attempting the questions but if you’ve not, chances are that you might panic. So read up as much as possible. DO NOT MUG UP, it’s a complete mismatch to your chosen field. Understanding of the subject is must. And since you’ve applied for RTV, it is expected that you follow news on TV regularly!
2) What shows, magazines would you recommend the aspirants?
Me suggesting shows or magazines now, especially at a time when the exam is just a week away, will hold no good. You may tend to panic and I certainly don’t want to put you in a fix. Also there is no hard and fast rule so believe in what ever you’ve read and watched! Just make sure the source is credible.
3) What is the exam going to be like?
It will be an interesting paper to solve, with some analytical and descriptive questions. And yeah not to forget our personalities! If you know them, half the battle is won!
4) Any other tip?
Time management is quite crucial as you might find the paper lengthy. If your writing speed is good, don’t bother! But if not, you’ll have to buck up.
I don’t know if this will help you in any way but what will (for sure) is the law of attraction. If you believe that you can crack the exam, nothing can stop you. For what you think, is what you manifest. So have no doubts, remain optimistic and give it your best shot! Cheers….!
IIMC- You are Not Just Taught, but Trained
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Kunwar Abhishek Bhagat belongs to 2011-12 batch of English Journalism, Amravati Campus. He is working with Zee News as Assistant Producer. Kunwar is Secretary of IIMC Alumni Association. |
English Journalism offered by Indian Institute of Mass Communication is one of the best and popular courses. Better infrastructure, well updated library and above all the Rank. IIMC is a place where you are not only taught; rather you are trained being journalist.
For clearing the entrance one should be with the news, means one should be always updated with the news, current events happening globally, in short rather, I would say ‘one should have nose for News. Stick to the news, start reading and evaluate yourself where you fit.’
IIMC entrance constitutes of two phases viz. written test and Personal Interview. For written test start reading newspapers, various competition magazines available in the market.
Important Topics that would help you in the written test are:
• IPL 2013
• Sarabjit
• Increase in the rate of rapes in India
• 2014 Elections
• Afzal Guru
• Kasab
• MP Elections
• Pawan Bansal’s bribery case
• Justice J.S. Verma
• Boxer Vijender Singh issue
• 17th Dec Protest in Delhi against rape
• ZEE and Jindal controversy
• Justice Katju
Be ready to face the challenge and always accept what you believe and write that in the examination, because at IIMC, they are not expecting one to be perfect. But one should have capability of being perfect.
No matter after selection in IIMC, which centre is allotted, as IIMC itself is a brand and trust me, I am a Pass out from the Pioneer batch of 2011-12 from IIMC Amravati, and I am very well enjoying the status of being IIMCIAN.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Take It Easy Folks :)
Divya Sathyanarayanan of Radio & Television Journalism Department is topper of entire 2012-13 batch among all departments. She is presently working as a Correspondent at The Economic Times. |
At the outset, I’m not here to give you any kind of ‘Gyan’- what I did, what you should read, what you should do, this that etc; all of which you know and is already out there.
I can very well understand the pressure which you all aspirants might be going through; with the entrance exam just 7 days away. So to keep things simple, here are some pointers to help you say ‘All Izz Well’ after the exams.
Firstly, whatever you know, know it the best. It is not possible to know everything happening in this world. But be aware of the important happenings and the key people at the centre of it. So that when you write, you are sure of what you write.
Secondly, form a sound opinion about the important happenings and defend it with facts. Don’t give a chance for anyone to question your opinion.
Thirdly, knowing the prominent people who make news (someone who died or won some award or is the face of a controversy) helps, as the last question in the entrance exam usually deals with this.
Fourthly, one of your favorites– Digital Media, usually figures in some or the other way in the question paper. So, know what’s hot and what’s happening in the medium.
Fifthly, and the last one, don’t beat around the bush. Try to keep the key points in the beginning of the answer. Make the impact in the first few sentences itself.
These are just a few things that will help you get through to your dream course at IIMC.
One thing I would like to say, IIMC is all about enjoyment. But these nine months is the only time for you to learn all about the industry and what goes into it.
Remember, there will be thousands of journalism passouts like you waiting to enter the industry. In this rat race, you have to be the BEST to standout from the rest. But don’t worry, IIMC will surely bring out the best in you.
So to sum it up: Don’t Stress, Be confident of what you know and present it in the best possible way.
All the Best Folks !!
Ples Dnt Cum to Rite da IIMC tst
“The cream rises to the top, and so does the cum.”
Words of wisdom from Mr. X to a bunch of ladies and a couple of us at the exam center in Lucknow in May 1996. I had seen Mr. X visit the Times of India Lucknow once, which is why I had decided to walk over to wish him before the test. Needless, because I think I was an unnecessary irritant.
“I am debating whether to take up an offer from Times to cover UP politics or join IIMC,” our man said, before writing the test. Of course, his audience gasped in awe. And here I was, writing on what school kids could do to protect the environment and interviewing a National Defence Academy topper.
A few weeks later, I bumped into him again at the Times office. The editor had asked him to buzz off, but he told me that he had topped the IIMC entrance. Well, that must be with the 000th rank because his name wasn’t on the list and he isn’t my course-mate.
Why tell this story? Because I think it clearly portrays the reasons why he didn’t make it. Too much gas. Or, incorrect use of words (‘scum’ is what he should have used). He either didn’t know the difference, or was foolishly trying to impress the ladies. Either way, that’s not the best way to approach the test.
It’s too late for me to advise anyone on how to prepare. So, I’d highlight a few things that you need to keep in mind while writing the test. But before we start, if you can readily understand and relate to the headline of this piece, please follow the advice and don’t waste your time!
1. I write poetry, I can be a good journalist: Wrong. Journalism is more about having the ‘nose for news’ and not about being able to use flowery language to impress. Avoid that in the test. Of course, correct usage of words is important, as illustrated by Mr X’s example. There’s a question on commonly misused words. Google that and you will come across enough examples of similar sounding words or those that are incorrectly used.
2. More is better. Definitely not. IIMC doesn’t give you extra sheets of paper for a reason. Brevity is very important for a journalist. Space is at a premium in newspapers. Even in online platforms, you need to bear in mind short attention spans. You might have proof that the chief minister was leading the crowds in a riot. But if you tell that in 50th paragraph, sorry, you’d have lost me by then. Come to the point directly.
3. Awareness: Journalists are not bursting with knowledge; they are more aware. The test has GK questions that simply try to test if you have been following the news.
4. Adjectives and Cliches: Do NOT use them. Simple. Adjectives have no use or place in a news copy and so they can’t have any place in the test paper. Also, avoid repeating words. Here goes a quiz: can you spot the obvious mistakes in point number 3 above??? Let me answer: ‘Bursting with’ is a cliché. Better say ‘Journalists are not the most knowledgeable people..’ Also, the word ‘test’ can be replaced at one place by ‘exam’.
5. Please don’t use SMS language. It has no place in good writing. So, my headline above is an example of how not to write.
6. Awareness about the profession: You will invariably find one question about a journalist who’s recently been in the news. If I were to evaluate the test papers, I’d give a lot of weight to that question.
7. Show, don’t tell: If you as a journalist, or as an IIMC aspirant tell me something without backing it up, I won’t take you seriously. “Mr. xxxx is a very bad, corrupt man who deserves to go to hell.” Write that, and you can’t be a journalist. If he is bad, I don’t need you to say that, show me how he’s bad or corrupt. If he was convicted of a crime, say that. Leave the reader to make his or her judgment on whether the guy was bad or not.
8. Give Opinion only when specifically asked for. There are a few questions where they ask you to give your opinion. Say what you want to, by all means, but back it up with solid reasons. And, say it very clearly, without repeating words or points and without adjectives.
We look forward to welcome the serious journalism practitioners among you into the profession.
All the best!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
It All Starts with a Why; Confusion is Good!
When I was in your shoes in April 2006, there were trillions of questions on my head with no easy answers. It's normal to be confused about career plans.
As budding media professionals, it's quite good to have questions but tell you what you and only you have the answers. You would surely get a bunch of suggestions here, but perhaps it's the time to act and may be act now.
I don't think anyone here has a foolproof mantra on "How to crack IIMC test," but perhaps what I would like to tell you is what confusion did I go through and how, if at all, I overcame them.
1--Why IIMC? Do I actually want to be a media professional or it's just that everyone is taking the test so I will also take it?
Possible Answer: Most of us don't really plan the IIMC entry. It just happens. And most of us don't have an answer yet to why did they enter this profession.
But once you are in: it's a lovely place. It's a brand for life. Work hard and you would be remunerated well in your respective area of interests.
For me, I never planned to be a journalist. It happened. I got through LLB at DU's CLC twice as well as Master's in social work and sociology, but perhaps the turning point was my visit to the beautiful Delhi campus and the length (quite short to grab a job) of the course. Not to mention the Indian Institute...tag! I decided to take one step at a time and things just happened and there I am, now a insatiable journalist.
Trust me, this question of why this line haunts everyone at all the times. The grass on the other side is always greener, shiny, sparkling. It has been like this since Adam plucked that apple for Eve.
2-Many IAS/MBA aspirants take it as stop-gap arrangement. So should I also take it and I would prepare for my competitive tests?
Possible Answer: Depends. Most of us get placed within 9 months from August 1 and life takes a different turn. Dedicated souls would still like to stay off placements and focus on their bigger goals in life.
If you are among those dedicated ones, then IIMC can be an obstruction to your plans to prepare for CAT, UPSC etc. If you are so sure about not taking up media as your profession, I would advice you to go for academics and simultaneously prepare for competitive exams. Why to even bother about IIMC. It doesn't really matter guys. Chill. No back-up theory. Academics is far too lucrative and fun a profession and trust me UPSC interview panels may like academicians more than a media professional.
My second appearance for law tests at DU happened after IIMC, because I wanted to do more in life without sacrificing on anything. I even attended a year there while I was working with a leading news agency. But tell you what, the realization soon seeped in-- that in my quest to do everything in life am doing no good to my journalistic career-- and that was the turning. Here I am as a foreign correspondent for the world's biggest media house.
3-Which course to go for at IIMC as most of us at least take two tests. Which course would pay me well later on?
Possible Ans: That truly depends on you. I took EJ and RTV and got through EJ.
I spent some good time thinking that if I eventually become a media professional, what would I like to do. Mass Communication is a big word and a big world in itself.
What's good about IIMC, it has segregated the key mass comm fields and that gives us more clarity to pick one. No wonder, most of the top guys in the media world are from IIMC and the natural connect is good in the professional world. Trust me.
Thanks to IIMC, I had to pick from the four options. I decided for journalism after some self brainstorming. Though, it's all inter-connected and you would be briefly taught about all the courses, in whatever stream you pick.
All the fields have their own charm.
If journalism, do think where you would like to see yourself in times to come? As a good TV reporter like Rajdeep Sardesai/Debang or an awesome print guy like Shekhar Gupta. In the same way, would you like to be part of the colourful Ad world or the PR industry.
All of them pay nicely at a certain point.
Yeahh, better don't compare it with what your MBA fresher friends would be getting though. Initially, they would tend to get more money and have those weekends off. You have to be patient.
For now, focus on the tests first.
4-For EJ, how should I prepare. The clock is ticking away?
Possible Answer: There's no guide/kunji/dukki that shall ensure your passage to IIMC's top courses.
Don't fret over it. I never did.
I was an avid reader of Indian Express, ToI editorials and also had subscribed to the frontline magazine.
So I had an opportunity to learn the rightist (in economic sense) views from IE and ToI and leftist from frontline. It helped.
Though I never practised writing and the first time I grabbed the pen to write those essays was when I was taking the two tests. It would be good if you can practice writing few essays on leading news and views topics of the year and especially last six months. Be balanced in your writing. The "holistic" approach works.
Also, I grabbed some 12 monthly editions of competition magazines and went through their last section on general news and current events.
I actually glanced through them while I was in a bus on way to IIMC on the D day.
You better go through them in advance. That surely helps.
Simply speaking. IIMC tests does not warrant you to study 24x7 and 12 months in advance. If you are a regular newspaper reader (any newspaper), that means 80% of the work is done. Rest just work on bit of balanced writing, respecting the word and time limits.
If you don't have a great vocab, don't bother. IIMC paper-checkers won't give you additional marks for your thesaurus skills.
Cheers and all the best.
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Saturday, May 18, 2013
RTV Entrance Exam: Standard Operating Procedure
Almost all machines and technical instruments come with a standard set of instructions of how to operate them. The funny thing is that the standard operating procedure applies to entrance exams as well. For exams, where there is no negative marking, the standard operating procedure is to attempt all questions! While this may sound easy, it is not. Let me explain.
So the best case scenario is that you know the answer to every question in the paper. On top of it, you have a flair for writing. You are excited and want to churn out perfect answers. But in your efforts to do so, you realize you have spent more than half the time allotted to answering just one or two questions! And then you are either rushing through others, or end up leaving some. In either case, chances are that despite knowing everything, you could not make it.
When you walk into the examination hall and receive the paper, make sure that you do not cross ‘x’ amount of time per question. You can arrive at this ‘x’ figure by doing simple math. This will help you distill your thoughts and focus on the key messages you want to deliver. And that is the essence of communication. Through this approach, you even out the risks of subjective assessment by increasing the response rate.
Now comes the second part. Ideally, if you have read newspapers all year around and when I say reading newspaper, it means from cover to cover and not just Delhi Times, it will be sufficient. You will know key developments and issues across politics, business, technology, city, sports, etc. What you need to focus on additionally is to understand the medium, its importance and its impact.
Remember, when you apply for a journalism programme you are not going to be evaluated solely on the basis of your general knowledge. Journalism is about putting perspective to developments and decoding the meaning. It is also about understand your own profession and industry. How a story is treated by media organizations? Was it ethical? What are your views on it and what are they based on? So spend time understanding media organizations, their business, treatment of news and how one medium affects the other. Pick up magazines and go online to sites which cover the media. Identify trends and big issues. It will help you develop the understanding required and expected out of you.
Good luck and all the best!
Friday, May 17, 2013
IIMC Entrance Exam Preparation Tips
Make sure you use simple,crisp and lucid language. Avoid usage of jargon and complex words and sentences. The paper is mostly a combination of subjective and objective questions. Read the questions properly before you jump to answer them.
The questions pan from various arenas like politics, cinema,sports, economics,business and others. In the political scenario you could read on the current issues being reported various scams like 2G spectrum scam, CWG scam, Railgate, Choppergate and Coalgate which UPA 2 has been embroiled in.
You should also focus on any major political or huge controversy from any area which have shaken the nation. The best example is the 16 December Gang rape incident which took place in Delhi. There are various angles to this like the accused, role of police versus state and primarily the issue of safety of women.
Brush up on name of top political appointments as well as Cabinet ministers, political party heads as well as chief minister of states. While doing so you can check if any of them have off-late been in news for any reason.
Try and look up the controversies which surfaced from last year till now or any landmark achievement or event which has taken place.
I would suggest you all read at least 3 to 4 newspapers regularly. Compare the same news piece in the newspapers you read and see the writing style of the papers. Watch TV news to stay abreast of the latests on news and issues. Also read news magazines to get an in-depth grasp of issues you could pick The Week, India Today , Outlook or any other in this segment.
Do not waste your time in answering just one question because you know a lot on that issue. Move ahead and answer the next question soon.
Lastly I would again insist that you read the question at least twice before you answer it excitedly. Try and keep your answers short and to-the-point.
All the best. Rock the paper.
Juggernaut of the Media Industry
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Mohit Agarwal, Ad-PR, 2011-12, Secretary of IIMC Alumni Association, Born to be advertiser, avid communicator, strategist, currently working with internal agency of HCL Technologies. |
In the effervescent battle to enter the unpredictable media world, we all are like pawns, taking the first steady step, not knowing what lies ahead. Armed with just the madness “sword” of passion for the industry, we try to win through. But what the industry offers as the stepping stones are oasis-like shaky moss. You know, you got to step onto it, but as soon as you do, it starts sinking. In such a situation, you come across a weapon, which could catapult you straight in the heart of the industry – IIMC Entrance Examination (IIMCEE).
The EE for IIMC are not like any of the other animal-named EE for A, B, C, D schools. It’s different. Calling it difficult will be an understatement.Calling it indifferent will be like hallucinating yourself with it. Instead I will call it a ‘neo’ approach. A modern day evaluation of how much you are connected to this world – not just what you love in media – ads, journalism, films, web, etc. but the WORLD by and large. What the EE judges all in is your knowledge of what is happening in the world and your eye for such info. I think that is the reason why there do not exist a TIME or an AKASH like coaching centers to equip us in such a way that we can crack the EE. As rightly said so, skills are imbibed by practice, attitude by application and knowledge by the attitude of the skills. The 1st basic mantra for preparing for the exams is stay connected with all the current affairs and recent happenings in the media world. Right from a uprising in the south, to a demand of a new state in the west, or a new media icon in the east or a new tourism campaign for the north. Needless to say, know it all about each. If you are hooked on to newspapers and indulge in discussions on social media about these, diverge and imbibe as much as you can, I think half the battle is won already. For ADPR aspirants, afaqs and exchange4media is the holy book – if you want to make media your religion, better read the book often.
Another aspect is brevity. Wars and battles have not been won by trying to last longer and make the battle look herculean, but it’s about instantaneous and instinctive approach to go for the kill ASAP. When planning to appear for the exam, start sharpening your writing skill. Knowing the fact that most of us, at this age shelve the paper pen relationship and have already adapted to the finger and keyboard format, but the beauty of the EE is the challenge it holds – the old school, no MCQ, small questions to which you need to give brief answers. Especially for those appearing for ADPR, brevity is something we will have to practice for the rest of our lives, whether filling brief sheets or writing ad copy. The EE gives you 1st hand experience of the same. Good thing is to be prepared.
And if all this was not enough, IIMC unleashed another method of defense from its Pandora’s box – MATHS. This five letter word has been the reason behind sleepless exam preps for most of us. Just when we thought, after moving out of school, that we have buried this fear deep within and we would not have to face it again, kaboom!! Here it is again. What the EE has is basic class 10-11 maths. Just days before the D-day, brush them up again. The course has nothing to do with maths, but for some reason it is there.
A few quick ones:
Scan through some Superbrand’s recent campaigns
Analyze key figures in the politics, business and sports field who made it to the headlines recently
Try to be yourself in answer, there is nothing right or wrong. The whole paper is about view point and opinion
Do not attempt the question which you think you know all about – you will tend to write essay on that, instead answer that question first which makes you think and write
Sign off statement will be that while preparing to bell the …., I mean clearing the entrance exam, try to make your interest your hobby. As Bernard Shaw rightly said –
“Happy is the person who earns his living by his hobby”
The more edgy you are, the better you will perform. Trust me, I was. EE is not the hurdle, what follows is – GD/PI. Have nightmares of them, instead dream about EE.
Let’s hope this piece helps you. One last statement is that you must have realized I have lost the skill of brevity and its now more about deceiving writing with lots of unnecessary words, subtly put, creative writing. That’s what 9 months of IIMC do to you. To all those who have the passion for the industry and want to die when living it, see you in the industry.
Probable Topics for Long & Semi-Long Questions
Sandeep Kumar is topper of Hindi Journalism, 2005-06 batch & General Secretary of Jharkhand Chapter of IIMC Alumni Association. |
These are just a topic, not a question in any manner. Formulation or pattern of question is not a subject matter of speculation. Scan all aspects of these topics to face any twisted question seeking analysis by candidate in limited words.
- Indo-Pak relations (in context of Sarabjit & Sannaullah death)
- Result of Pakistan elections
- Indo-China relations (In context of incursion in Laddakh)
- Victory of Congress in Karnatka/ Loss of BJP in Karnataka
- Mr. Clean (Manmohan Singh) image is fading (in context of coal gate)
- Image of UPA-2
- UPA-2 Vs UPA-1
- Food Security Bill
- Land Acquisition Bill
- National Urban Health Mission
- National Rural Health Mission
- Narendra Modi V/s Nitish Kumar
- Media regulation
- Social Media: Positive & Negative aspects!
- Social Media: Politics and Movements
- PCI under Markandey Katju
- Independent CBI
- Direct Cash Transfer (DCT) to curb the corruption
- Aam Aadmi Party & Arvind Kejriwal in politics
- Anna Hazare’s new campaign
- India is showing its anger on road (in context of Delhi’s rape incident)
- 100 years of Indian Cinema: Changing patterns & formulas
- Second inning of Barack Obama as the President of USA
- Political crisis in Jharkhand
- Controversies surrounding IPL
Thursday, May 16, 2013
It Doesn't Take Much to Crack The IIMC Entrance
For over the past 2 months I have counseled and talked to a number of my juniors from college and school about the courses offered at IIMC, the faculty, the curriculum, and most importantly about the entrance examination and the interview. What surprised me most was that most of them believed in preparing for such examinations with the help of a textbook or joining a crash course. And every time someone asked me where I took my crash course to prepare for as highly competent exam as IIMC, I countered them with a simple answer, “I’m sorry. I can not possibly imagine myself getting trained on how to read newspapers or watch news on the TV. I know how to read and how to comprehend the news bulletins by myself. Thank you very much!” Although, I come across as a blunt rude to many of them but Hello! This is how you prepare for the much ‘dreaded’ exam of your life.
You definitely need no crash courses or coaching to help you through this written test. You need no textbooks to help you get to the next level of the selection process- the interview. And nope, you need not spend hours and hours shut in your bedroom mugging all the important historical dates and events and scandals, ready to vomit everything on the paper once in the examination hall. Nope. No.
All you need is a daily routine of reading newspapers, keeping yourself updated with the latest news, current national and international affairs, controversies etc. Editorials and Opinion pages in the newspapers are most helpful to build critical thinking and help an individual to understand news deeply and effectively. But, IIMC tends to hunt for individuals who not only know what is happening around them but are also very much aware of their stand on a particular issue. If you know what Lakpal Bill is, you should also know whether you are in favour or against, and should be able to give reasonable reasons for your opinion!
And worry not, if reading newspapers, especially the editorials is not your cup of tea, then there is another-a very interesting way rather- to keep yourself updated with the latest news- TV news bulletins! An hour of news channels combined with the 9pm debates and the discussions would prove to be the perfect recipe for a successful written test! A little bit of Barkha Dutt, some of Arnab Goswami (although I’m not an AG fan), a pinch of Tim Sebastian, more of Karan Thapar and alike and SHAZAM! You have muddled your way though the exam!
But, -yes, there is a but here too- the most important thing one could do before taking the test is not panic because apparently IIMC entrance is a tough one to crack in the country. It will only be as tough as you think it is. If you are confident, focused and know your surroundings, this exam will not only test you but you will also end up learning through it. You will be surprised at your own power of executing your thoughts on the paper and the power of examining something critically and questioning the obvious.
Give your creative side a boost by relaxing and staying focused. Take a sip of your iced-tea, grab a bucket of popcorn and give yourself a break. And please, get a good night’s SLEEP. Trust me; you need this sleep more than anything else I’ve scribbled in this article.
For The Dreamy Eyed IIMC Aspirants: A Small Note
IIMC is best journalism school India has. It is the most affordable, most competitive and equal opportunity provider in terms of recruitment. It represents each region, section and community of India as desired by the constitution of India and in turn creates a balanced newsroom scenario across media organizations.
If you are an IIMC Entrance aspirant from a small or non-descript place, from difficult economic and cultural background you have many reasons to be hopeful. The entrance examination is designed to test your knowledge, capability and passion. Nothing that you don’t know will be a deterrent. I am sure if you are dreaming of becoming a media professional you must be reading a lot. You must have a world view of your own. You must have evolved as a human being. That is what matters. Don’t break your head over what you lack in your knowledge or personality by reading some of the finest writings in newspapers or watching some of the best television anchors. They also had similar inhibitions and confusion like you when they were at your stage.
IIMC will admit you with all sincerity if you are sincere in your approach. Hard work for written examination and an open attitude for the group discussion and interviews will help. You don’t need to have style alone when your personality will be tested. What they want is real substance and if in addition you have style nothing like it.
Please dream big and have faith. Your time is just around the corner. Best of luck to all the dreamy eyed readers of this post.
If you have any doubt, questions or need some pep talk write to me at
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Answers Should Be Precise and Clear
To get into IIMC is not so much difficult as many have created havoc about the entrance process. I never specially prepared for the test, all I was doing was reading newspaper on an everyday basis and surfing news on credible news websites.
Last year, when I went to my exam centre, I was really afraid of seeing many students carrying notes of different institutes, bulky books of great publishers and discussing probable questions. They were mugging up something which I failed to understand. For a little while, my confidence was dying. However, I took a long breath and started writing my papers
I found that no institutes, no books and no golden tips are really required to crack the written part. If you are really serious in the media field, it should be natural in you- to be aware of at least all big stories around you, you should be keen to know the socio-political conditions of our society. Moreover, you should have your own justified viewpoints about various issues. And this ability comes only if you read and read and watch.
I am sorry, I am writing this blog at the wee hours but my preparations were never better than yours. You still have days. So go ahead, open the links of The Hindu, The Indian Express, Read 5-6 previous issues of magazines for awareness on issues like women security, food security bill, land acquisition bill, capital Cs corporal punishment, Coal scam, Direct Cash Transfer scheme, MGNREGA, Indo-China relations, Pakistan elections, Karnataka elections, Justice Verma committee ,Media regulations etc.
10 personalities in recent news may cover Ranjit Sinha, Pawan Bansal, Mahesh kumar, Vijay Singla, PC Chako, Viren J Shah, Ajmal Kasab, Sarabjit Singh, Pandit Ravi Shanker, Harmanpreet Kaur, Chris Gyle, Devinder Pal Singh Bhullar, Mirza Himayat Baig, Afzal Guru, Malala Yusufzai, Irrfan Khan, Shamshad Begum, Fauja Singh, Yash Chopra, Pran, Sunmeet Kaur Sawhney, VS Ramadevi, Zia Ul Haq, Shakuntala Devi, Shailendra Nath Roy, Subrat Roy Sahara, Sudipto Sen, Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis), Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro, Margaret Thatcher, Giulio Terzi, Zillur Rahman, John Kerry, David Cameron, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.
Grammar part consists of sentence error, sentence co-relation and word differentiation. You can also refer previous year questions. It's simple and scoring.
The most important thing to be careful about being time and quality of answers which should be precise and clear. A positive approach to your debate would favor of course. So be confident, tie your lace and go for it!
All the best for your preparation.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
एड-पीआर इंट्रेंस टेस्ट के लिए 10 टिप्स
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अजीत शुक्ला एड-पीआर के 2003-04 बैच के छात्र रहे हैं. इस समय हवास वर्ल्डवाइड के एसोसिएट क्रिएटिव डायरेक्टर हैं. मुंबई को बेस कैंप बनाकर निरंतर भ्रमण करते हैं. |
- ढेर सारे विज्ञापन देखें
- प्रमुख विज्ञापन एजेंसियों और उनके प्रमुखों के बारे में जानकारी रखें
- अमुक विज्ञापन किस एजेंसी ने या किस व्यक्ति ने बनाया, इसकी जानकारी भी रखें
- सरोगेट एडवरटाइजिंग के बारे में पढ़ें
- स्कैम ऐड्स के बारे में पढ़ें
- हाल में एक विज्ञापन एजेंसी ने अपने नेशनल क्रिएटिव हेड को स्कैम ऐड से जुड़े विवाद में सेवा से हटा दिया, उस बारे में भी पढ़ें.
- ए.एस.सी.आई. के बारे में पढ़ें.
- प्रमुख विज्ञापन समाचार पत्र जैसे इम्पैक्ट, कैम्पेन इत्यादि पढ़ें.
- करेंट अफेयर्स पर नज़र रखें
- निम्न साइट्स पर ज़रूर जाएं
सृजनात्मक और सटीक लेखन है सफलता का मंत्र
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चेतना भाटिया हिन्दी पत्रकारिता विभाग के 2008-09 बैच की टॉपर रही हैं. फिलहाल दिल्ली के गुरु गोविंद सिंह इंद्रप्रस्थ यूनिवर्सिटी में असिस्टैंट प्रोफेसर हैं. |
ज़ाहिर है देश में पत्रकारिता के प्रीमियर संस्थान के लिए तैयारी भी तो प्रीमियर ही होनी चाहिए. अगर आप सोच रहे हैं कि इस परीक्षा में ज़बरदस्त प्रतिस्पर्धा होगी, तो बिलकुल सही सोच रहे हैं. जितनी कड़ी प्रतिस्पर्धा लिखित परीक्षा में होती है, उससे कहीं अधिक इंटरव्यू में. दरअसल , इस परीक्षा के लिए जितना ज़रूरी देश-विदेश के अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों की नब्ज़ पकड़ना है, उतना ही महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप क्या पढ़ रहे हैं, कहां से पढ़ रहे हैं और कैसे पढ़ रहे हैं. अपनी मेहनत को सही दिशा देने के लिए विभिन्न घटनाओं और खबरों पर खुद की एक ‘सोच’ ज़रूरी है. जी, खूब पढ़िये, विश्लेषण करिए लेकिन एक ही घटना या खबर पर अलग-अलग स्रोतों से जानकारी लीजिये, उस पर अलग-अलग विचारों को जानिए, समझिए और फिर अपना एक ‘मत’ बनाइये, जिसका मजबूत तार्किक आधार हो.
ये तर्क आपको न केवल लिखित परीक्षा में टिप्पणी लिखने में सहायक होंगे बल्कि इंटरव्यू में भी आप अपनी बात को मजबूती से रख पाएंगे क्योंकि आपको अंदाज़ा होगा कि परस्पर विपरीत विचार रखने वाला व्यक्ति क्या तर्क देगा. आपकी विचारधारा चाहे कोई भी हो, अगर आप अपनी बात पर स्टेंड लेकर उसे तर्क के आधार पर डिफेंड कर सकते हैं तो रास्ता कोई मुश्किल नहीं है. इसके साथ-साथ अगर आपको लेखन से प्रेम है और आंख-नाक-कान सब खुले रखते हैं तो आप कई कैंडिडेट्स से बेहतर स्थिति में हैं.
अगर हिन्दी पत्रकारिता की परीक्षा दे रहे हैं, तो हिन्दी के साथ-साथ अंग्रेजी की आधारभूत समझ अनुवाद और रिपोर्ट लेखन में सहायक होगी. खासतौर से अनुवाद करते समय सामग्री को जिस भाषा में अनुवादित कर रहे हैं, उसकी वर्तनी का ध्यान रखना आवश्यक है. साथ ही, कोशिश रहे कि अनुवाद शब्द दर शब्द करने के बजाए भाव के आधार पर करें. एक बार पूरी सामग्री पढ़कर उसका भावार्थ समझने के बाद ही अनुवाद करने पर आप सटीक और स्पष्ट लिख पाएंगे. पिछले प्रश्नपत्रों पर एक बार नज़र दौड़ा लें और जो भी कह-लिख रहे हैं, उस पर कायम रहने के लिए खुद को तैयार करें.
जहां जामिया मिल्लिया की स्नातकोत्तर के लिए प्रवेश परीक्षा विजुयल विश्लेषण पर ज़ोर देती है वहीं आईआईएमसी की परीक्षा सामान्य ज्ञान के प्रश्नों से आगे सृजनात्मक और सटीक लेखन की मांग करती है. साथ ही आपकी अपने आसपास के वातावरण की ओब्जर्वेशन और उसकी पूरी तरह अभिव्यक्ति आवश्यक है. तो खूब तैयारी करिए. उम्मीद है कि आपसे कैंपस में ज़रूर मुलाक़ात होगी.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
पत्रकार नहीं बस काबिलियत चाहिए
आईआईएमसी में प्रवेश पाने के लिए आप सब की तैयारियां जोरों पर होंगी. एक बात का ध्यान रखें, घबराएं नहीं. यहां पत्रकार नहीं चाहिए. वो लोग चाहिए जो पत्रकारिता कर सकें. आप में से कई साथी ऐसे होते हैं जिन्होंने ग्रेजुएशन में पत्रकारिता नहीं पढ़ी पर ये कोई बात ही नहीं है. परीक्षा में पत्रकारिता से जुड़ा हुआ कोई भी सवाल नहीं पूछा जाता. सिर्फ ये परखा जाता है कि आप विषय को समझते हैं कि नहीं.
आप नियमित रूप से खबरों से जुड़े हुए हैं तब तो घबराने की कोई बात नहीं है. छोटी से बड़ी, हर खबर का ध्यान होना चाहिए. प्रवेश परीक्षा की बात करूं तो कुल पांच सवाल पूछे जाते हैं, जो आपने देख भी लिया होगा. क्या पढ़ें तो पर्चा देखकर ही समझ आ जाता है कि सब कुछ जानना जरुरी है. पांच प्रश्नों को बांटना हो तो मुझे लगता है कि पहला सवाल देश की किसी बड़ी बहस से जुड़ा होता है. दूसरा सवाल अर्थशास्त्र से जुड़ा होता है. तीसरा सवाल जिसमें टिप्पणी करनी होती है उसे चार विषयों में बांट सकते हैं. पहला किसी राज्य से जुड़ा हो सकता है, दूसरा विज्ञान या तकनीक से, तीसरा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय और चौथा खेल या मनोरंजन से जुड़ा हो सकता है. मतलब जैसे पहले कहा कि पढ़ना या जानना सब कुछ जरूरी है. चौथे सवाल में जो शख्सियतें होती हैं वो इन सभी क्षेत्रों की मिलाकर होती हैं. पांचवां सवाल बेहद जरूरी होता है, अनुवाद जितना बेहतर करेंगे उतना बढ़िया होगा.
अब बात करें इंटरव्यू की तो इसके अंक कम होते हैं लेकिन ये उतना ही महत्वपूर्ण है. लिखित में अंक आस-पास होने पर आपके संस्थान पहुंचने का फैसला इस इंटरव्यू से ही होता है. यहां बस एक बात का ध्यान रखना है कि सिर्फ सच बोलिए. जो इंटरव्यू लेते हैं वो आप जैसे कई से मुलाकात कर चुके होते हैं. झूठ और बनावटीपन पकड़ा जाता है. इंटरव्यू में ज्ञान के साथ-साथ विश्वास जांचा जाता है. अपने क्षेत्र और चर्चित मुद्दों की जानकारी होनी चाहिए. इंटरव्यू की शुरुआत परिचय, पढ़ाई-लिखाई से जुड़े सवालों से होती है. इंटरव्यू वाले दिन तो सुबह सारे प्रमुख अखबार पढ़ ही लीजिए. कई बार पहला सवाल यही होता है कि कौन सा अखबार पढ़ते हो. जिस अखबार का नाम लेंगे, उसके उस दिन का हेडलाइन पूछ लिया जाएगा. यही अखबार क्यों पढ़ते हैं, जैसे सवाल भी आगे मिल सकते हैं. आगे आपके इलाके के बारे में कोई सवाल हो सकता है. देश और राज्यों के मुद्दों से जुड़े सवाल सामान्य रूप से पूछे ही जाते हैं. सवाल ये भी हो सकता है कि पत्रकारिता में क्यों आना चाहते हैं.
Friday, May 10, 2013
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