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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Keep Calm & Ace The GD-PI

Dipalie Mehta | An English Honours graduate from Kamla Nehru College, DU. She joined IIMC in 2013-14 to study Ad-PR, and is now working with Brandlogist as a Brand Analyst. One of the oldest members of PACH (Poetry And Cheap Humor) Dipalie is extremely fond of poetry and has been a theatre actor and contemporary dancer in the past.

How to soothe those jitters and do a good job in the last leg of the selection

Hello there !

Congratulations, I know how it feels to have cleared the written exam, while you bask in the happiness let me try and help dissuade the frequent pangs of jitters that you get with the thought of the GD-PI round.

Okay…breathe, breathe

General Tips:

• Dress Well
The first impression is a lasting impression if not the last one; dress in crisp formals or semi formals. Keep your hair out of your face, trim your nails and (personal opinion) save the frayed jeans and t-shirts for college.

• Prepare Your Ammunition
Carry a small notepad, a good working pen or two, your portfolio and certificates (if any)

The first part is The Group discussion, and you’ll need to remember a few things, here goes: 

• Try and be the one who starts the conversation-
Before you know it,it’s going to be a fish market in the GD room, you might not get a chance to speak without ‘butting in’. So try and be the one who initiates the discussion. But even if you can’t all is not lost, read on.

• Have opinions or borrow them-
If you’re in luck, you will get a topic that you know something about. If you don’t, (first, breathe) then sit back and listen carefully to what others are saying, frame you argument based on your opinions or the speaker’s opinions and then put it forward. It’s not about being a know it all, its about the ability to have and present your opinions.

• What to do when it becomes too loud to be heard?
Keep calm, and look for a window to speak, when you do get that window, very politely remind everyone that it’s a group discussion and this is not roadies (don’t use this line, just use the gist: P) then put your opinions forward.

• Talk to everyone and not just the panel
There will be brilliant teachers and eminent industry names sitting in the same room as you, and such presence can be over powering but remember, the discussion is with your competition, you’ll get enough time to address the panel during the personal interview. So talk to everyone, (including the panel, but just the panel) make eye contact, if someone had said a similar point or a point you are putting in your own argument, mention that person.

• Listen, take notes
Do not go sauntering in the GD room with nothing in your hands, take out a note pad and a pen (don’t use your phones to take notes please) note down what others are saying it will help you in the discussion. And also obviously give the impression that you’re serious about this.

Now for the personal interview:

• Have opinions and be sure of what you say about yourself
Simply put, if you’re asked about your favorite color, you better know why your color is you color or why you don’t have a favorite color. 
If you say you like to read, know your favorite authors, why you like them and why you dislike some.

• Do your reading
Current affairs, industry case studies, jargon yoy should have a hang of it.
They should know you’re serious about the course and your career.

• Show off your talents when you can
They will ask about you, when they do, tell them you like to sing, dance, knit socks whatever it is that you like to do. If you can carry a portfolio, I know of people who impressed the jury with their singing (not that alone but yes, it was a contributing factor) so yes, do not shy away but do not go overboard either with your talent, also be sure of it.

If you get selected, I’ll see you next time when I visit college, If you don’t I’ll see you in the industry one year earlier than you planned.

My point is, IIMC is a brilliant place to be in but it’s not the clichéd ‘end of the world’ so read up, be creative, have fun and leave the rest on the times to come!

That’s about it from me, good luck!

And don’t forget… Breathe! ;)

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